Strasburg, PA…Lancaster County

Back to Pennsylvania Dutch Amish Country! We got in fairly late…only time for a Dutch dinner at the Hershey Farm. Oh man…kiss HomeTown Buffet good-bye. And hello… Shoo Fly Pie! These people do know how to eat! It’s looking mighty like rain tonight. We’ve been lucky so far…can’t last forever. Guess we’ll (sigh) just have to look in antique shops again. (grin) A lot of Amish crafts here. Or…..perhaps we’ll just spend the whole day at the smorgasbord!

We picked up a USA paper tonight to see about the weather and on the front page is an article about the Riverside mayor…Ron Loveridge and 2 council people and a cop shot in the city hall! And a story about wild fires in Riverside County burning down dozens of homes…gulp…maybe we’ll just stay here and enjoy the rain.

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