Stanton, MO

When I was a little girl my parents took me to see Meramec Caverns. I never forgot the experience and today we stopped and took it in again. Mom always maintained that Jessie James was a relative on her mom’s side of the family. Meramec is where he and his brother Frank hid their bank loot. In the cave is one of the original iron chests that the loot was in when it was found. (I was hoping Jessie’s ghost would whisper in my ear where the rest was hidden…us being relatives and all…but alas no message from beyond.)



The guide pointed her flashlight down a passageway and told us that the cave goes on…about 16 more miles or so! Bet a little around the bend and all alone…it would get just a little spooky! What a different world down there…cool and mysterious…


This formation is called the ‘Stage Curtain’. It’s 70 feet high, 60 feet wide and 35 feet thick. It’s called America’s number one cave scene. And is 70 million years old! A breathtaking sight.

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