Fairy Lanterns

May 3

The river, that we overlook, is such an endless source of enjoyment. The ever changing patterns of the water just leaves me limp with the sheer pleasure of watching. And there is always something to watch. The Dragonflies that hover like little jewels over the water and the fish, jumping with a splash, and leaving concentric ripples flowing outward. There are turtles here and you can see them swimming with their heads out of the water, miniature “Loch Ness Monsters”, leaving a wake behind them!

The birds are in constant song. So many different calls I’ve never heard before. It’s never silent . We go from the music of birdsong waking us in the morning, to a chorus of frogs that lull us to sleep at night.

But the MAGIC thing…the joy I never thought I would experience again…we found here. When twilight falls, the air is filled with fireflies! Those little blinking bits of floating light that I remember from my childhood. Here they dance all around us and double their light in the smooth darkness of the river. When I was very young I thought they were lanterns that the fairies carried to help them find their way home in the dark of night.

I remember the long twilight evenings of play in Ohio. The hide and seek and cartwheels on the lawn. And trilling laughter…”Let’s get a jar and catch Light’n bugs…Who ever gets the most is the BEST”! Skinny little sunburned arms reaching…reaching. And the squeak of the porch swing where mama sat, fanning herself with an old apron, washed so many times it was as soft as silk. Gray…it was…with faded pink flowers.

May 4

When we went into the office at Kerrville to play on the computer, the whole office staff was hunkered over the TV, watching the weather channel. There was a was a lot of “Hummmm Hummm Hummm….that’s not good”! It appears that there has been a heap of rain west of us…which drains into the river where we are blissfully parked!

“So” Rick asks, “What happens if the river rises”? “Oh, we turn on the siren so you can get out of here”. In the car we turned to one another and said “Hey, here’s a thought, why not leave BEFORE the siren goes off”? (grin) So…we did!

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