
I just love it when a plan comes together and it’s even more fun when there wasn’t a plan in the first place! Rick discovered that there is a wood carving class being held in the next town! And the teachers are excellent! He has signed up for the next two days.

One of the very best parts of traveling the way we do is the flexibility! Now he can learn and play and I can sit along side this beautiful river and read my new book! This is just what we said we wanted to do… stay put from time to time and savor the moments.

We’ll stay for a week now and take advantage of the weekly rate and we’ll have time to explore. What a beautiful place this is…green everywhere you look, with Oak covered hillsides. The wildflowers that the Texas Hill Country is famous for…are putting on a show! AND thrown in for free…a chorus of frogs to serenade us to sleep at night. What a sweet sound.

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