‘Where are the People?’

Just four magic words, “Come and get it!” emptied these chairs in the wink of an eye! Cool mountain air sure whips up the appetite!08_16_chairs

Buck had a chicken fry and potluck at his RV tonight. And then we sat around the campfire and talked and watched the sparks dance up into the evening sky.

There’s been a mama bear and her two cubs that have been wandering through the campground as bold as you please. They’ll knock down Hummingbird feeders and pull over trashcans.

Rusty, one of the owners, decided ‘enough was enough’. He bought some pepper spray in order to discourage the critters. Having never used the spray he wondered how far it would reach. He squirted it…the wind carried it a bit…right into his wife’s face! I don’t know how well it worked on the bear…but it sure knocked Bridgett for a loop!

(Looks like she’s forgiven him though.)08_16_rusty

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