Pagosa Springs A County Fair



If you want to see the real small town America there is no place like the county fair. Here a youngster is getting one of his first lessons in ‘steer roping’. He was working hard and paying close attention to directions.


We spent some time in the livestock barn watching the 4-H youngsters getting their goats judged. These children were about 8 years old or so…when the judge was finished he came up to the mike…just laughing to beat the band. He said “I love this age group…they’re so honest. And they forget what they aren’t suppose to disclose to a judge. One little contestant told me I could touch the goat here….and here…but don’t touch him here cause his leg’ll wiggle!” Apparently the judge runs his hand up their back legs and the goat is suppose to stand perfectly still for it.

The smell of Kettle Corn and the sound of laughter fill the late afternoon air and babies of all kinds check each other out.08_03_fair

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