4th of July

I love little town celebrations! We went to the July 4th parade this morning. It’s quite different from ‘big’ parades…a much more cozy feeling when everyone around you is calling out to the people in the parade they know and they are hollering and waving back!

This little colt just trotted along beside mama…free as the breeze.7_4_colt


There was a pot-luck at the club house tonight. The couple across from us are a spry 85 years old and still on the road! In the picture we are in the midst of a sing along. The guy on the piano is a professional jazz musician, the fellow on the mandolin is blue grass and the fellow leading the singing is a gospel singer. Quite a combination…they had never met and still it worked beautifully! The gospel singer would laugh and say “Well, I’ve sure never sung THESE songs before!” The camaraderie is one of the best parts of being on the road.7_4_sing_a_long

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