Mossyrock, WA

Alpenlite is one of the 5th wheels that we’ve been considering buying. They have a factory in Yakima and we drove over today to get some information.

The scenery on the way is breathtaking! It reminds me of Glacier. We went over ‘White Pass’…and it was! There was snow here and there. I wanted to get out and get in a patch so I could pelt Rick. But, he, being no fool wouldn’t stop! There are waterfalls everywhere you look. Some huge…most little trickles over mossy rocks. I photographed one big fall. The trail looked dangerously undercut so Rick held me by my shirttail. I don’t know if that would have helped, but it was a sweet thought! You could hear the roar of the falls and the air was sweet with the smell of Balsam.


This is such a harsh environment and yet at our feet were fragile looking little ‘snow flowers’ waving a jaunty hello!

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