Folks in camp

It seems like everyone in Southern California stays hidden behind locked doors…such a shame. We do more ‘neighboring’ on the road then we do at home. What a difference here and what a joy!



Kit, Liz, Kathy, Bill, Spencer and Gayle

These folks were at our RV chatting and I gathered them into a group so I could grab a picture. Bill and Kathy (the middle couple) are having a watermelon feast Sun and came over to invite us. And the others just wandered over to visit. They are all just so much fun to be around. They were checking out Rick’s current carving and Spencer told Rick that “None of them are going to be any good until they look like a fireman!” Of course the fact he retired from the Fire Dept might have ‘something’ to do with that!

When they had gone Rick turned to me and said “When does that happen in Hemet?” We barely know our neighbors.

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