White Oak Campground

Still a misty rain…Spent the morning working on hand made cards. I find that very relaxing. If we do continue to travel…this is just the kind of hobby I’ll enjoy.

Went to an auction this afternoon. I love to listen to those guys. I was scared to scratch my nose it goes at such a furious pace. They practically give away the stuff here. They sold a kitchen table and chairs like the one we had on 7th street for $50.00.

We were invited to an old fashioned mountain and gospel music “Jam session” tonight. We sat around in the living room and 8 or 10 “good old boys” turned out some really fine music. It wasn’t performers and an audience…it was just friends and neighbors playing and singing for fun. They all joked with each other and called out requests. Bass, guitars, banjo, and down home fiddling! And belt out singing. Man were they good! My toes were tapping and the hours just flew! They play every Sat night…and if I lived around here and I could beg another invitation I’d be here every Sat night!

After a couple of hours we walked into the general store…it’s off of the house. Time warp…there were a couple of people playing checkers in front of the pot bellied stove, with back seat drivers standing around joking and giving advice and another group in the back corner singing and playing. An Amish man and wife walked in to pick up a few things from the store. There were 4 buggies parked outside. One horse had on complete blinders…Rick ask the fellow why. He said “The horse shies at road glare at night…so we blind him and he just follows directions.”

It amazes me how many wonderful experiences we have had in these past months. Life has never been so rich and full. All the sights and sounds and smells…the different foods and the different accents…the laughter and the kindness of strangers. Every morning I wake up anxious to see what wonders I will see this day. What a blessing this time has been.

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