Sweet Dreams

04_12_sweet_dreamsWhile we’re waiting for the ‘powers that be’ to cancel the severe wind warnings we are parked in a sheltered little valley. There’s a tree beside us that provides protection for our ‘alarm clock’….dozens of tiny chirping birds.

I sleep far far better in the RV then I ever do at the house. I don’t know why that happens. Perhaps the busy days and the stillness of the nights.

At the house the bed is always warm when I turn back the covers. Last night when I jumped in..IT WAS FREEZING! But, as I huddled there, the warmth slowly enveloped me. And as I got warmer and warmer…my limbs grew heavy. It felt like I was sinking into the bed…until, finally, I just fell all the way down into my dreams.

Rick’s bed is at the foot of mine and is both wider and longer. The sleeping arrangement works really well. Now, if the maid wIll just hurry up and make up the beds they will be neatly tucked away in the overhead. And like magic…a dinette and a couch will appear!

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