Alamosa, Colorado


When we got ready to go early Friday morning…it was plenty nippy outside. Our neighbor Al came out in robe and slippers to say adieu…shivering all the time, his breath white in the air when he said his good-byes!

One last swing by Creede to collect a hug from Bill and Sally and we were on our way! All 70 miles to Alamosa…before the wind pinned us down…sigh.

But it did have a bright side…Himself took me to a movie. Only one problem was Friday date night! We literally were the only ‘GROWN-UPS’ there on a date!

I felt like we were sitting in a high school auditorium, listening to the chit chat about school assignments, boy problems, girl problems, PARENT problems! And, of course, the sound of hormones bouncing off the walls! (grin)

Garden City, Kansas     Cold Rain       

From Walsenburg to La Junta, Colorado on Highway 10 is a 78-mile run of road without billboards, service stations nor even one tiny town. It looks much like it must have…before man ever touched this place. The grasslands stretch out as far as the eye can see across the high plains.

A cold rain splattered against the windshield and a sharp wind buffeted the RV. That same wind laid the grass nearly to the ground. Only occasional herds of cattle populated the landscape, standing with their backs to the storm, looking wet and miserable with their heads hanging down.

Inside our cozy home we speculated on the life of the Comanches that ruled this land, the pioneers determined to get to the West via the near-by Santa Fe Trail, and the soldiers that tried to keep them from being massacred. I wonder what they all would have thought of ‘OUR’ covered wagon?

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