The Crow Reservation

Half naked braves appeared suddenly through the swirling dust, clinging bareback with effortless ease to the racing ponies and the air rang with the screams of their war cries.


In the background the pounding of the war drum beat in rhythm with my heart and made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

The Calvary bugle rang out the ‘call to arms’. I was in another time and place and danger was at hand…06_27_calvary
As if ONE re-enactment of Custer’s Last Stand isn’t enough, this history rich area boasts TWO! This one is held on the Crow reservation and it is told as the story was passed down through the Real Bird family. It’s held on the historical west side of the Little Bighorn River, adjacent to the battlefield.

This was an amazing event…a feast for the eyes. We got a peek into the rare and wonderful Native American culture with its deep and spiritual ties to the earth. After everyone stood to sing “America the Beautiful” we remained standing as all around us the Indians sang their anthem in their native tongue.

An Elder of the tribe told the story of ‘Custers Last Stand’ as it was told to his father and his father before him. And whites and Indians alike rode to their destiny again…

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