Kaysville, Utah

Oct 2 Kaysville, Utah

Test-drove a 450 Diesel truck today. It had a pretty plush cab, with leather bucket seats. The ride was smoother then I thought it would be-hummmm could work! We go round and round-wondering what would work best for full time.

Oct 3 Kaysville, Utah

Out our window-the late evening golden light is doing its “thing” against the fall foliage covered mountains again. It’s an awesome sight of which I never tire. I remember how I used to love the pink glow of sunset on the mountains in back of Yucaipa. It still does that from time to time-not every night like it used to. Clean pure light is a wonder to see. I don’t believe I can stand to live in the smog after this experience. There is such beauty to be seen in this world-why peer at it through a filthy pall?

It’s funny living in a house that moves, because the light source is always different. The sun illuminates different parts of the house all the time. I love the sunrise here. When it comes up over the mountain, and shines against the yellow blinds beside me,the interior of the RV suddenly bursts into golden light. Time to plan another day!

We went into Salt Lake City to Zim’s. It’s the biggest craft store I’ve seen. It looks like a warehouse. Both of us bought a few playthings.

Several people came over to visit today. The fellow next door brought over his granddaughter to watch Rick carve. She was a cutie-about 9years old and very observant, asked a lot of questions.

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