Missoula, MT. Jellystone Park

We woke this morning to the sound of pounding hoofs. A cowboy was herding horses in the pasture near us and one of them had broken free and was running…tail and mane flying in the wind…just a few feet from the RV! Baby…this ain’t Hemet! And I love it…

The owner of the Park came over before we left to tell us all the places ‘we just couldn’t miss’ while we were in Montana. Got some good ideas.

We found the computer store that had the correct amount of RAM and got that installed. Also bought a more powerful word processing program to handle all the additional graphics that I want for the digital images. Hopefully this is all we need…and it will be less money and more play from here on out.

Saw ‘Sixth Sense’ today….one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time. With a ‘got ya’ ending!

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