Wild Animal Safari in Roseburg



We drove around this wonderful place…twice! I got a picture of a male lion so close I could practically have patted him, if I’d been dumb enough to open the window!!


The animals have young now and it was fun to see the interaction. One emu had babies and she would run off any grazing animal that came close…no matter how big they were! We went into the ‘Village’ and took in an Elephant show. They invited anyone the wanted to come up and pat him afterwards…and up I went! He didn’t feel anything like I had imagined…He had long rough hair all over. What a thrill to be so close.

They are have a “Big Cat” show there though Labor Day. It’s in an indoor theater. When we went in the place was about half full. They were asking everyone “Would you like to sit in the front row?” I said “Sure!” She said “That’s what I like someone that lives on the edge!” Hummmm…I wondered if that “sure” had come out a little quickly…since they don’t allow children to sit there and I’m so short…I ah…tried to sit up a little taller!

The cats were big and some times they were quite close…I loved it. The Snow Leopard was crouched above me and I could see him looking me right in the eye. The trainer said “They can easily jump 50 feet”…and tapped the cat on his nose to break his focus “Don’t do it!” What magnificent creatures.

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