Russellville, AR

Well, we didn’t go to “Frog Suck State Park” but we did shop in “Booger Hollow” (Or Holl’r as the local folk say. Population 7…if you include the Coon Hound!) in the Ozark Mountains.

We drove up into the Ozark Mountains on Scenic route 7. It is a rolling, heavily forested area. No wonder they could make “moonshine” deep in these woods. A stranger would stick out like a sore thumb in these tiny hamlets. We went into several craft type shops. One was wonderful…very remote area, a one room place…with an rocker on the porch. An old “hillbilly couple ” own it. Ma and Pa Kettle in person! They were just as sweet as they could be. He does hand made baskets and she makes quilts. I love their accent, which is thick as molasses. But I have a terrible time not falling into the speech pattern! Not meaning to…I ” howdy do” right back! I bought a basket …it has his signature on the bottom.

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