Morton’s Gap, KY

There was a blazing red sunrise this morning…. “Red in the morning…sailor’s warning!” And guess what…it’s raining. We’ve been driving in a soft rain all day. Now that we have accomplished all the *goals* for the trip…we can sit back and relax and not worry that weather will stop us from doing what we’d planned. Yesterday it was 82…the warmest its been in Danville since 1933. Tonight the weather man says it will drop 30 degrees this week! Did I hear anyone say “Under the wire?”

Pulled into a RV park near a truck stop. Went over for dinner. Can’t say it was good but it was filling! Watched the banter between the drivers and the waitresses …Our entertainment for the day.

I noticed something different about the birds here…they really say “TWEET TWEET!”

I never knew birds did that outside of “Hear the bird Jane…hear him say tweet, tweet!” in the Dick and Jane books. California birds are way too cool to tweet…they chirp!

Called Beth tonight, the film that we thought might have been mislabeled…arrived! Now we can take a deep breath!

Rick is sprawled on the couch, with his slippered feet on a footstool. The TV is belting out the Yankee game, the rain is pitter patting on the roof…but I can still hear those gentle little snore noises (grin) Ah, thank you God, for those sweet sounds.

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