Milton, NH

I rolled over this morning peeked under the blind and gasped…Rick said “I heard that…what is it?” I said “take a look out the window.” The sun was just coming up and it had turned the pond molten gold. Well, we have arrived…we’re at “Golden Pond!” I watched the Chickadees for a bit…those little dickens, can run up and down trees about as fast as they fly!

We went over to the place that Rick grew up…the “Old Brick School House”. It has been torn down and in it’s place a beautiful large house has been built…and more houses have been built all around. When we were here 5 years ago I got a chance to see the ‘old place’. I’ll always be grateful because I could look at it and see Rick as a little boy as clearly as he was in the old photos. We drove up the hill beside the house…where they used to sled all those years ago.

Got to Paula’s house about 12:30 P.M. and Krista came running out and asked if we “wanted to take a carriage ride around Old Portsmouth”…yeah…like we’d miss that chance! (grin) It was wonderful! The town was settled in the 1600’s and the history is incredible. There are tiny little streets that are so narrow a car can’t go down them. The ride was like stepping back in history and lasted a long long time….what fun!

We went to a little ice cream parlor and treated ourselves to some yummy ice cream and then stopped by to see Joyce, Paula’s sister, who works nearby…Paula hadn’t told her about our visit and I think she was really taken back to meet ‘Uncle Rick’ and me out of the blue.

The tall ship…Endeavor was in port and we decided to tour it…because it was such a rare opportunity. Fascinating…we had to bend almost double to walk around below decks…the sailors must have had an ongoing kink in their backs! Now the Captain…his quarters were great…we decided that either we sign on as captain or we weren’t going! Paula got kind of dizzy and was happy to be back up on deck. Now we had to walk back to the car. ( We asked ‘James’ to….bring it around…but apparently the chauffeur didn’t hear us (grin) The kids were tired by that time….we were merely exhausted! I can’t believe how well behaved they are…even when they’re tired. (And Kim didn’t feel very well.) Krista hugged me and said “I’m so glad you came!” Of course that didn’t melt my heart…much! What a nice family. I want to pack them all up and take them back with us! Kayla came home just as we were leaving…in time for a hug.

There were three raccoons running across the road on the way into the campground…and one little guy running after them to catch up! There is a hayride tonight and a lot of whooping and hollering. We wanted to go on it but you are allowed only so much fun in one day!

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