Weedsport, NY

We are outside of Syracuse New York. What pretty country….rolling hills and cattle grazing. White puffy clouds and big old barns everywhere. There is Golden Rod, fields and fields of Golden Rod. Rick and I took a walk and picked some to dry press. I’m trying to get different flowers to use in my memory book and we brought two presses with us to use. I got some little blue wildflowers from the street where I was born and a spray of white flowers from a tree over my grand parents grave in Coshocton.

Lake Erie was to our left during most of the day. It’s so huge, looks like the ocean…except deep blue…quite awesome.

Rick asked if I’d seen his watch this morning…We searched high and low, without any luck. Finally Rick went outside…a few minutes later a little tap tap on the window. He holds up his wrist, complete with watch. “Why am I looking for this”? ‘Hummmm…everyone please pause for a ‘senior’ moment. (grin)

The weather is wonderful. This morning, for the first time, we needed a light jacket. We read that Calif is ‘baking’. It seems so far away.

I took a shower when we got back from our walk and then rested on the couch. It’s so pretty inside the RV. The sunshine making patterns through the lace curtains and Rick working on a project outside on the table. It felt so homey. I know how people can do this full time…it’s become home. Tempting, very very tempting!

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