Kerrville, Texas

Website on ‘R” and “R”

The Web-site crashed and no matter how much we pulled our hair…it refused to come out of hiding. We came to the conclusion it was homesick and so we sent it back to Steve for a little “R” and “R”. I didn’t realize how much joy I get from playing on it…felt like I was mailing off my right arm!

Nearby the park is the Wildflower Farms Market Center. It’s one of the nation’s largest working wildflower farms. We wandered all over, drinking in the sweet scents floating on the air. They have bins and bins of wildflower seeds inside. If I had a place to plant I’d have been in serious trouble!

We found two other things today to gladden the heart. A really good used bookstore and a movie theatre. That’ll occupy some time that otherwise would be spent whining about my computer deserting me under fire!04_27_flower_farm

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