Portland, OR

Rick came across a notice for a woodcarving show to be held in Portland and sure enough…we found it! It was being held in the Forestry Building at Washington Park. A small show but it had some very good carvers at work. I talked to one old gent. I asked him how long he had been carving. “Oh, 70 years, I reckon. I remember sitting under a tree wait’n for my brothers to get home from school…just a whittling away.” He gave me a little owl he’d carved in a couple of minutes.

Portland is having their Annual Rose Festival. We joined in and walked around Waterfront Park and had fun watching families out enjoying this beautiful sunny day. There is a fountain there that attracts the youngsters, tots to teens, to jump in and have a splash to cool off.6_2_fountain

There is a decadent goody for sale here, called an Elephant Ear. It consists of chewy pastry with a flaky crust…covered with sugar and cinnamon. From the name I’ll let you guess the size! Now, I ask you, should that be allowed? (smile)



Here are the local boys……checking out the ‘chicks’!

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